Soal UAS UT 2024/2025 Bahasa Inggris Niaga Semester 3: Tips, Bocoran, dan Strategi Sukses

Siapa, nih, yang lagi deg-degan nunggu Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) Universitas Terbuka (UT) 2024/2025? Kalau kamu mahasiswa semester 3 jurusan Bahasa Inggris Niaga, artikel ini bakal jadi penyelamat kamu! Yuk, kita kupas tuntas soal-soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Niaga, mulai dari kisi-kisi, materi yang sering muncul, sampai tips ngejawab soal dengan santuy tapi efektif.

Soal UAS UT 2024/2025 Bahasa Inggris Niaga Semester 3: Tips, Bocoran, dan Strategi Sukses

Bahasa Inggris Niaga, Apa Sih Intinya?

Sebagai mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris Niaga, kamu pasti udah tahu dong, fokus utamanya adalah komunikasi bisnis internasional. Materi semester 3 biasanya banyak membahas soal:

Business Correspondence: Teknik bikin surat bisnis yang profesional dan straight to the point.

Negotiation Skills: Cara melakukan negosiasi yang efektif dalam bahasa Inggris.

Presentation Skills: Skill presentasi bisnis biar makin confident dan persuasif.

Business Vocabulary: Kosakata formal yang sering banget dipakai dalam dunia bisnis.

Nah, UAS biasanya nggak cuma ngetes teori doang, tapi juga kemampuan praktis kayak grammar, penggunaan formal tone, dan analisis teks bisnis.

Kisi-Kisi Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Niaga Semester 3

Berdasarkan pengalaman mahasiswa UT sebelumnya, soal UAS biasanya dibagi jadi dua tipe utama:

1. Soal Pilihan Ganda

Di bagian ini, kamu bakal nemuin soal tentang:

Penggunaan tata bahasa yang benar (grammar).

Memilih kosakata yang tepat untuk konteks bisnis.

Pemahaman teks seperti business email atau advertisement.

Contoh soal:

Which sentence uses the correct business tone?

a. Hey, can you send me the report ASAP?

b. Could you please provide the report at your earliest convenience?

Jawaban yang benar, tentu saja, pilihan b, karena lebih formal dan sopan.

2. Soal Esai

Di bagian esai, kamu bakal diuji kemampuan bikin surat bisnis atau laporan singkat. Biasanya, soalnya berupa studi kasus. Contoh:

Write a business email to a supplier asking for a quotation for 500 units of a product.

Tips ngejawab: Ikutin format surat bisnis yang benar! Mulai dari greeting, isi utama, sampai closing.

Strategi Belajar yang Efektif

Biar nggak kelabakan pas ujian, kamu bisa coba strategi belajar ini:

1. Baca Buku Modul dengan Teliti

UT biasanya ngasih modul lengkap sebagai panduan belajar. Fokuskan perhatian pada bab yang sering keluar di ujian, seperti:

Contoh surat bisnis di Modul Business Correspondence.

Frasa negosiasi dalam modul Negotiation Skills.

2. Latihan Soal Tahun-Tahun Sebelumnya

Cari soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Niaga dari semester sebelumnya. Biasanya, tipe soal nggak jauh beda. Ini bisa jadi insight buat nguasain pola soal.

3. Pelajari Business Vocabulary

Kosakata bisnis itu penting banget! Catat kata-kata formal yang sering muncul, seperti:

Invoice, quotation, negotiation, deadline, agreement.

Pakai aplikasi flashcard buat ngapalin biar nggak boring.

4. Praktikkan dengan Teman atau Tutor

Kalau bisa, ajak temen diskusi soal simulasi ujian. Bisa juga daftar kelas online atau sesi tutoring buat ningkatin skill komunikasi kamu.

Tips Jitu Jawab Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Niaga

1. Pahami Instruksi dengan Baik

Pas ngerjain soal, jangan buru-buru. Pahami dulu instruksinya. Salah interpretasi bisa bikin jawabannya meleset.

2. Jangan Overthinking

Untuk soal pilihan ganda, jangan terlalu mikir panjang. Biasanya, jawaban yang paling logis adalah jawaban yang benar.

3. Gunakan Struktur yang Jelas untuk Soal Esai

Kalau diminta bikin surat atau laporan, pastikan strukturnya rapi:

Opening (greeting)

Isi utama (tujuan surat)

Penutup yang sopan


Dear Mr. John,

I am writing to inquire about the availability and price of your latest product. Could you please provide a quotation for 100 units?

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,

[Nama Kamu]

4. Cek Grammar dan Spelling

Sebelum submit jawaban esai, pastikan grammar dan spelling-nya udah bener. Nggak mau dong, nilai kamu turun gara-gara typo?

Bocoran Materi yang Sering Keluar

Walau soal UAS UT biasanya dirahasiakan, beberapa topik ini sering banget muncul:

Parts of a Business Letter: Format surat bisnis (heading, salutation, body, closing).

Formal vs Informal Language: Bedain gaya bahasa formal dan santai.

Grammar Rules: Kayak penggunaan tenses yang benar.

Case Study Questions: Studi kasus terkait negosiasi atau masalah bisnis.

Persiapan Mental: Santai tapi Tetap Fokus

Selain belajar materi, mental kamu juga harus disiapin, nih:

Jaga Kesehatan

Jangan begadang terus. Tidur cukup biar otak kamu fresh pas ujian.

Hindari Belajar Sistem Kebut Semalam

Lebih baik belajar konsisten daripada nge-push otak kamu semalem sebelum ujian.

Bawa Perlengkapan Lengkap

Jangan lupa bawa kartu ujian, alat tulis, dan perlengkapan lain yang diminta.

FAQ UAS Bahasa Inggris Niaga UT Semester 3

Q: Apakah soalnya semua dalam bahasa Inggris?

A: Yup, soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Niaga full pakai bahasa Inggris. Tapi tenang, levelnya sesuai dengan kemampuan mahasiswa semester 3.

Q: Apa yang harus diprioritaskan kalau waktu mepet?

A: Fokus ke format surat bisnis dan business vocabulary. Dua topik ini paling sering keluar.

Q: Ada nggak tips khusus biar lulus dengan nilai tinggi?

A: Pastikan kamu nggak cuma hafal teori, tapi juga paham aplikasinya. Misalnya, tahu kapan harus pakai present tense atau past tense dalam surat.

Contoh soal:

1. Which of the following is NOT a common type of business communication?

(a) Emails

(b) Memos

(c) Reports

(d) Text messages

Jawaban: D

2. In a business context, "to close a deal" means to:

(a) Physically shut a door

(b) Secure an agreement or contract

(c) End a conversation or meeting

(d) Resolve a conflict or dispute

Jawaban: B

3. The term "target audience" in marketing refers to:

(a) The specific group of people a company aims to reach with its products or services

(b) The general public who may be interested in a company's offerings

(c) The company's employees and stakeholders

(d) The competitors in the same industry

Jawaban: A

4. The phrase "as per your request" is most similar in meaning to:

(a) According to your instructions

(b) In contrast to your expectations

(c) Despite your objections

(d) Regardless of your concerns

Jawaban: B

5. When writing a business email, it is important to:

(a) Use informal language and slang

(b) Keep the message concise and to the point

(c) Include personal opinions and anecdotes

(d) Use emojis and emoticons to express emotions

Jawab :b Keep the message concise and to the point

6. In a business meeting, it is important to:

(a) Arrive late and disrupt the flow of the discussion

(b) Actively listen to others and contribute meaningfully to the conversation

(c) Focus on personal agendas and avoid considering the perspectives of others

(d) Share irrelevant information and stories that are not related to the meeting's topic

Jawaban: B

7. The phrase "benchmarking" in business refers to:

(a) Setting high standards and goals for performance improvement

(b) Comparing a company's practices and performance against those of its competitors or industry leaders

(c) Implementing new strategies and initiatives without evaluating their effectiveness

(d) Relying solely on internal data and insights without considering external factors

Jawaban: B

GDP stands for:
a) Gross Domestic Product
b) Government Development Plan
c) General Distribution Process
d) Global Economic Dynamics
Jawaban: a) Gross Domestic Product

Inflation refers to:
a) Decrease in the general price level
b) Increase in the general price level
c) Stable prices over time
d) Fluctuating exchange rates
Jawaban: b) Increase in the general price level

What does the term "monopoly" mean?
a) A market structure with many buyers and sellers
b) A market structure with a single seller
c) A market with no government intervention
d) A market with perfect competition
Jawaban: b) A market structure with a single seller

What is the meaning of the term "supply and demand"?
a) The amount of goods and services produced by a country
b) The relationship between the quantity of a product and its price
c) The distribution of income in a society
d) The government's control over the economy
Jawaban: b) The relationship between the quantity of a product and its price

What is the definition of "market equilibrium"?
a) A situation where the supply exceeds demand
b) A situation where the demand exceeds supply
c) A situation where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied
d) A situation where the market is stagnant
Jawaban: c) A situation where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied

What does the term "opportunity cost" mean?
a) The cost of producing one additional unit of a good
b) The total cost of production
c) The value of the best alternative forgone when making a choice
d) The cost of borrowing money from a bank
Jawaban: c) The value of the best alternative forgone when making a choice

What is the meaning of the term "deficit" in economics?
a) The excess of government spending over government revenue
b) The excess of government revenue over government spending
c) The total amount of money in circulation
d) The balance between imports and exports
Jawaban: a) The excess of government spending over government revenue

What is the definition of "exchange rate"?
a) The rate at which goods and services are exchanged in the market
b) The rate at which a country's currency can be exchanged for another currency
c) The rate at which stocks are traded on the stock exchange
d) The rate at which interest is calculated on a loan
Jawaban: b) The rate at which a country's currency can be exchanged for another currency

What does the term "oligopoly" mean?
a) A market structure with a large number of sellers
b) A market structure with a few sellers
c) A market structure with no competition
d) A market structure with perfect information
Jawaban: b) A market structure with a few sellers

What is the meaning of the term "barter"?
a) A system of government-controlled trade
b) The exchange of goods and services for money
c) The exchange of goods and services without using money
d) The exchange of goods and services between countries
Jawaban: c) The exchange of goods and services without using money

The term "capital" in economics refers to:
a) Money used for investment or production
b) Total assets owned by a company
c) A city that serves as a center of economic activity
d) The physical buildings and infrastructure in an economy
Jawaban: a) Money used for investment or production

What is the meaning of the term "demand curve"?
a) A graphical representation of the relationship between price and quantity demanded
b) The total amount of goods and services demanded in an economy
c) The change in quantity demanded due to a change in price
d) The demand for a specific product in the market
Jawaban: a) A graphical representation of the relationship between price and quantity demanded

Baca Juga: 80 Soal UAS UT Materi dan Pembelajaran PKN SD PDGK4401, Contoh Soal UTM UT PDGK4401

What does the term "elasticity" refer to in economics?
a) The measure of a country's economic growth rate
b) The responsiveness of quantity demanded or supplied to a change in price
c) The percentage of the population below the poverty line
d) The ability of a firm to produce goods efficiently
Jawaban: b) The responsiveness of quantity demanded or supplied to a change in price

The term "deflation" means:
a) A decrease in the overall level of prices
b) An increase in the overall level of prices
c) A decrease in the money supply
d) An increase in the unemployment rate
Jawaban: a) A decrease in the overall level of prices

What is the definition of "comparative advantage"?
a) The ability of a country to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another country
b) The ability of a country to produce more goods than another country
c) The total value of a country's exports minus imports
d) The rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another
Jawaban: a) The ability of a country to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another country

The term "depreciation" refers to:
a) A decrease in the value of a country's currency relative to other currencies
b) The wear and tear of physical capital over time
c) A decrease in the overall level of investment in an economy
d) The increase in the value of assets owned by a company
Jawaban: a) A decrease in the value of a country's currency relative to other currencies

What does the term "cost-benefit analysis" mean?
a) The analysis of the costs incurred in producing a good or service
b) The analysis of the benefits received from consuming a good or service
c) The comparison of costs and benefits to determine the best course of action
d) The calculation of the average cost of production
Jawaban: c) The comparison of costs and benefits to determine the best course of action

The term "credit" refers to:
a) Money borrowed to finance a purchase
b) The amount of money in circulation in an economy
c) The interest rate charged by banks on loans
d) The total value of a country's exports minus imports
Jawaban: a) Money borrowed to finance a purchase

What is the meaning of the term "demand elasticity"?
a) The responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in income
b) The responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in the price of a substitute good
c) The responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in the price of the good itself
d) The responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in government policies
Jawaban: c) The responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in the price of the good itself

The term "consumer surplus" refers to:
a) The difference between the price paid by consumers and the price received by producers
b) The total amount of money spent by consumers in the economy
c) The satisfaction or utility gained by consumers from consuming a good or service
d) The profit earned by consumers from selling goods or services
Jawaban: c) The satisfaction or utility gained by consumers from consuming a good or service

The term "exchange rate" refers to:
a) The rate at which goods and services are exchanged in the market
b) The rate at which a country's currency can be exchanged for another currency
c) The rate at which stocks are traded on the stock exchange
d) The rate at which interest is calculated on a loan
Jawaban: b) The rate at which a country's currency can be exchanged for another currency

What does the term "economic growth" mean?
a) The increase in population in an economy
b) The increase in the overall level of prices
c) The increase in the total value of goods and services produced in an economy
d) The increase in government spending
Jawaban: c) The increase in the total value of goods and services produced in an economy

The term "fiscal policy" refers to:
a) The control of the money supply by the central bank
b) The government's decisions regarding taxation and spending
c) The regulation of financial markets
d) The international trade policies of a country
Jawaban: b) The government's decisions regarding taxation and spending

What is the meaning of the term "equilibrium" in economics?
a) A situation where the supply exceeds demand
b) A situation where the demand exceeds supply
c) A situation where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied
d) A situation where the market is stagnant
Jawaban: c) A situation where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied

What does the term "externalities" refer to?
a) The costs or benefits that are not reflected in the market price of a good
b) The costs or benefits incurred by the government
c) The costs or benefits incurred by individuals in a market
d) The costs or benefits incurred by producers in an industry
Jawaban: a) The costs or benefits that are not reflected in the market price of a good

The term "elastic demand" means:
a) A small change in price leads to a large change in quantity demanded
b) A large change in price leads to a small change in quantity demanded
c) The quantity demanded is not affected by changes in price
d) The quantity demanded is equal to the quantity supplied
Jawaban: a) A small change in price leads to a large change in quantity demanded

Baca Juga: 100 Soal UAS UT Riset Operasi ADBI4530, Contoh Soal UTM UT Riset Operasi Untuk Persiapan Ujian

What is the definition of "factor of production"?
a) The monetary value of all goods and services produced in an economy
b) The inputs used in the production process, such as land, labor, and capital
c) The profit earned by a company
d) The total value of a country's exports minus imports
Jawaban: b) The inputs used in the production process, such as land, labor, and capital

The term "free trade" refers to:
a) The absence of government intervention in the economy
b) The unrestricted movement of goods and services across international borders
c) The regulation of monopolistic practices in the market
d) The control of foreign exchange rates by the central bank
Jawaban: b) The unrestricted movement of goods and services across international borders

What does the term "financial market" mean?
a) The market where goods and services are bought and sold
b) The market where stocks and bonds are traded
c) The market where foreign currencies are exchanged
d) The market where the central bank controls the money supply
Jawaban: b) The market where stocks and bonds are traded

The term "fixed cost" refers to:
a) The cost that varies with the quantity of output produced
b) The cost of raw materials used in production
c) The cost of labor hired by a company
d) The cost that remains constant regardless of the quantity of output produced
Jawaban: d) The cost that remains constant regardless of the quantity of output produced

The term "GDP" stands for:
a) Gross Domestic Product
b) Government Debt-to-GDP Ratio
c) General Price Deflator
d) Goods and Services Distribution Policy
Jawaban: a) Gross Domestic Product

What does the term "inflation" mean?
a) The increase in the overall level of prices
b) The decrease in the overall level of prices
c) The increase in the value of a currency relative to other currencies
d) The decrease in the value of a currency relative to other currencies
Jawaban: a) The increase in the overall level of prices

The term "monopoly" refers to:
a) A market structure with many sellers and buyers
b) A market structure with a single seller and many buyers
c) A market structure with few sellers and many buyers
d) A market structure with many sellers and few buyers
Jawaban: b) A market structure with a single seller and many buyers

What is the meaning of the term "opportunity cost"?
a) The cost of producing one more unit of a good
b) The cost of producing a good in terms of the next best alternative forgone
c) The cost of resources used in production
d) The cost of borrowing money from a bank
Jawaban: b) The cost of producing a good in terms of the next best alternative forgone

The term "incentive" refers to:
a) A tax imposed on goods and services
b) A subsidy provided by the government
c) A reward or penalty that motivates individuals or firms to take certain actions
d) The total revenue earned by a company
Jawaban: c) A reward or penalty that motivates individuals or firms to take certain actions

What does the term "interest rate" mean?
a) The rate at which the government collects taxes from individuals and businesses
b) The rate at which prices of goods and services change over time
c) The rate at which the central bank lends money to commercial banks
d) The cost of borrowing money, expressed as a percentage
Jawaban: d) The cost of borrowing money, expressed as a percentage

The term "monetary policy" refers to:
a) The government's decisions regarding taxation and spending
b) The control of the money supply and interest rates by the central bank
c) The regulation of financial markets and institutions
d) The international trade policies of a country
Jawaban: b) The control of the money supply and interest rates by the central bank

What does the term "oligopoly" mean?
a) A market structure with many sellers and buyers
b) A market structure with a single seller and many buyers
c) A market structure with few sellers and many buyers
d) A market structure with a few large sellers and many buyers
Jawaban: d) A market structure with a few large sellers and many buyers

The term "incentive compatibility" refers to:
a) The ability of an economic system to generate positive incentives for individuals to act in their own self-interest
b) The ability of an economic system to promote income equality among individuals
c) The ability of an economic system to regulate prices and prevent market failures
d) The ability of an economic system to achieve full employment
Jawaban: a) The ability of an economic system to generate positive incentives for individuals to act in their own self-interest

What does the term "investment" mean in economics?
a) The purchase of stocks and bonds
b) The act of saving money in a bank account
c) The purchase of goods and services for personal consumption
d) The allocation of resources to create future income or profit
Jawaban: d) The allocation of resources to create future income or profit

The term "liquidity" refers to:
a) The ability of a firm to generate profits
b) The ease with which an asset can be converted into cash
c) The cost of borrowing money
d) The rate at which prices of goods and services change over time
Jawaban: b) The ease with which an asset can be converted into cash

Baca Juga: 100 Soal UAS UT Pembelajaran Matematika SD PDGK4406, Contoh Soal UTM UT Pembelajaran Matematika SD

What does the term "market equilibrium" mean?
a) A situation where the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied
b) A situation where the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded
c) A situation where the price is set by the government
d) A situation where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied
Jawaban: d) A situation where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied

The term "monetary base" refers to:
a) The total value of goods and services produced in an economy
b) The total value of money held by individuals and businesses
c) The total amount of money in circulation in an economy
d) The total amount of money held by the central bank
Jawaban: d) The total amount of money held by the central bank

What is the meaning of the term "natural monopoly"?
a) A monopoly that arises due to economies of scale
b) A monopoly that is controlled by the government
c) A monopoly that is formed through collusion between firms
d) A monopoly that is temporary and can be easily broken
Jawaban: a) A monopoly that arises due to economies of scale

The term "oligopsony" refers to:
a) A market structure with many sellers and buyers
b) A market structure with a single seller and many buyers
c) A market structure with few sellers and many buyers
d) A market structure with few buyers and many sellers
Jawaban: d) A market structure with few buyers and many sellers

What does the term "nominal GDP" represent?
a) The total value of goods and services produced in an economy, adjusted for inflation
b) The total value of goods and services produced in an economy, not adjusted for inflation
c) The difference between exports and imports of a country
d) The difference between government revenue and expenditure
Jawaban: b) The total value of goods and services produced in an economy, not adjusted for inflation

The term "monetary policy" refers to:
a) The government's decisions regarding taxation and spending
b) The control of the money supply and interest rates by the central bank
c) The regulation of financial markets and institutions
d) The international trade policies of a country
Jawaban: b) The control of the money supply and interest rates by the central bank

What does the term "oligopoly" mean?
a) A market structure with many sellers and buyers
b) A market structure with a single seller and many buyers
c) A market structure with few sellers and many buyers
d) A market structure with a few large sellers and many buyers
Jawaban: d) A market structure with a few large sellers and many buyers

The term "price elasticity of demand" refers to:
a) The responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in income
b) The responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price
c) The responsiveness of quantity supplied to changes in price
d) The responsiveness of quantity supplied to changes in income
Jawaban: b) The responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price

What does the term "perfect competition" mean?
a) A market structure with many sellers and buyers
b) A market structure with a single seller and many buyers
c) A market structure with few sellers and many buyers
d) A market structure with a few large sellers and many buyers
Jawaban: a) A market structure with many sellers and buyers

What does the term "oligopoly" refer to?
a) A market structure with many sellers and buyers
b) A market structure with a single seller and many buyers
c) A market structure with few sellers and many buyers
d) A market structure with a few large sellers and many buyers
Jawaban: d) A market structure with a few large sellers and many buyers

The term "price elasticity of demand" measures:
a) The responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price
b) The responsiveness of quantity supplied to changes in price
c) The responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in income
d) The responsiveness of quantity supplied to changes in income
Jawaban: a) The responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price

What is the meaning of the term "opportunity cost"?
a) The cost of producing one more unit of a good
b) The cost of producing a good in terms of the next best alternative forgone
c) The cost of resources used in production
d) The cost of borrowing money from a bank
Jawaban: b) The cost of producing a good in terms of the next best alternative forgone

The term "perfect competition" refers to:
a) A market structure with many sellers and buyers
b) A market structure with a single seller and many buyers
c) A market structure with few sellers and many buyers
d) A market structure with a few large sellers and many buyers
Jawaban: a) A market structure with many sellers and buyers

What does the term "monetary policy" involve?
a) The government's decisions regarding taxation and spending
b) The control of the money supply and interest rates by the central bank
c) The regulation of financial markets and institutions
d) The international trade policies of a country
Jawaban: b) The control of the money supply and interest rates by the central bank

The term "production function" describes:
a) The relationship between inputs and outputs in the production process
b) The cost of producing a unit of output
c) The revenue earned from selling a unit of output
d) The rate at which technology improves over time
Jawaban: a) The relationship between inputs and outputs in the production process

What is the meaning of the term "quota" in international trade?
a) A tax imposed on imported goods
b) A limit on the quantity of goods that can be imported
c) A subsidy provided to domestic producers
d) An agreement between countries to reduce trade barriers
Jawaban: b) A limit on the quantity of goods that can be imported

The term "recession" refers to:
a) A period of sustained economic growth and expansion
b) A decline in the overall level of prices
c) A temporary slowdown in economic activity characterized by reduced production and increased unemployment
d) An increase in the overall level of prices
Jawaban: c) A temporary slowdown in economic activity characterized by reduced production and increased unemployment

What does the term "rent-seeking" mean in economics?
a) The act of earning income from land or property
b) The act of lobbying for government favors or privileges to increase personal wealth
c) The act of purchasing goods and services for personal consumption
d) The act of saving money in a bank account
Jawaban: b) The act of lobbying for government favors or privileges to increase personal wealth

The term "supply curve" represents:
a) The relationship between price and quantity demanded of a good or service
b) The relationship between price and quantity supplied of a good or service
c) The relationship between income and consumption
d) The relationship between interest rates and investment
Jawaban: b) The relationship between price and quantity supplied of a good or service

Penutup: Siapkan Dirimu untuk Sukses!

Soal UAS UT 2024/2025 Bahasa Inggris Niaga emang kelihatannya menantang, tapi kalau kamu belajar dengan strategi yang tepat, pasti bisa lulus dengan nilai memuaskan. Ingat, usaha nggak akan mengkhianati hasil! Jadi, jangan males-malesan, ya.

Good luck, pejuang UT! Jangan lupa belajar, doa, dan tetap percaya diri. Kamu pasti bisa!